Monday 7 January 2013

A little break from meeting my friends...


Well, I'm back again and I have just finished my first GCSE mock exam... All I can say is "That was too easy." Indeed easy is meant to be a good thing, but this was far too easy. To put you in concept I am a terrible chemist and my first exam was chemistry so the fact that I managed to laugh at how easy I found the exam is very very bad! Anyhow I'm on to tell you how it went and then I'm off for some more glorious revision (A.K.A. Sleep.)

Well firstly I was forced to get out of my nice warm bed at 7:33 which for me is very early, so that put me in a bad mood! But I was glad when I woke up to find a good morning text from Lorna (And i don't think I've mentioned yet, but she nudged me on to make this blog, literally! she kept nudging me!) But anyway that really made me smile, I absolutely adore waking up to those texts. So after she urged me to get out of my bed and go get ready I got up and got showered then dressed only to find I was almost late, so I ran down stairs and got in the car forgetting both breakfast and my lunch-break so I was very hungry, but I forgot about the hunger when I received a good morning hug from Lorna (I adore them too!) And then I went on my way to the exam and noticed everyone ,except for me and one of my good friends who I shall introduce at a later date, was revising me and my friend turned around and said "Aww their revising, how cute." After that comment we walked into our examination and sat down in our different rows, he had to sit far away from me because I was doing a higher tier paper so I felt lonely in my little corner along with all the intellectual people in my school, truly not where I belong! But alas the exam paper was set down in front of me and at this point I was sweating like mad, I knew I hadn't revised and I know nothing about chemistry but when I opened up that paper I began to giggle quietly trying to hold back my outrageous fit of laughter... The first few questions was a gold mine for marks, in fact, there was only three questions I didn't know the answer to!

So yeah the exam went well, then after that I went outside into the area known as the green (I spend most of my time there with friends) and there I remembered my lack of food to eat, well that put me down a notch! Then another friend of mine came to me with a tear in his eye... Poor guy got dumped, but that's not my story to tell! Well anyway, I went to find my friend (The one from earlier) and we went up to the schools library facilities in order to do some studying; However we got a bit bored and decided we would sneak out of school and go back to my house for some 'black ops 2' on the Xbox360... Little did I know he was a professional quick-scooper... well I found out after he beat me 30-26 which I was actually very happy about, my kill usually level off at 36 when I'm playing on PSN, but that's a lower tier of gamers (My K/D ratio is 4 as an average!)After that we went down to my kitchen and grabbed some food then headed back to school to grab some school grub, after that I stayed around and spoke with a few friends of mine before heading back home for study leave, although he had one more exam so he was forced to stay and perform that tedious task.

I then got home and decided I would make another post and tell you all about my day, why don't you make a comment about your day below?

Well, I'm done for know I really must start some serious revision! (Again, I mean sleep!) Have a wonderful evening guys and gals!

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.

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