Saturday, 21 December 2013

4 days to Crimbo over here in the UK


Well guys and gals, I know I said beforehand that I despise it when people start Christmas early, but here it is: I'm excited for Christmas!

We're only 4 days away from it over here and I don't know what to expect, I'm just going to have to sit at home and wait, wait, wait!

Anyway, I'll probably be posting later, for now I'm going to do a little bit of writing.
Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill

Tuesday, 17 December 2013


Well I am home and I've started writing up the 7th chapter of my story; other than that I have absolutely nothing interesting to say other than goodnight so...

Goodnight guys and gals!

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill

Posting from College today!


Hey again guys and gals, turns out that I'm attending the College today simply to earn my EMA; the reason for this is that both of the tutors I have day are absent on a trip to Belfast and the Markets.

So I am sitting in an IT lab with my class, we've taken over the speakers at the front of the room and we're sitting talking, listening to music and, in my case, making blog posts.

Haha, anyway, I should be posting later guys and gals so have a nice day!

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Woop! Training complete, *LEVEL UP!*


Heya guys and gals, I'm back again just to tell you all that the training today went better than expected, despite having to get up early.

I'd also like to say that a majority of the stress that has been on my shoulders for a while has been released through a nice long rant about how I despise the way that "Christian Corporations" rule the markets. 
My good friend, Gary, was on stand by during the rant and admitted that it was one of my greatest rants to date; we walked an entire mile and a half as I ranted on about it.

Anyway, goodnight guys and gals!

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill

Friday, 6 December 2013

Training tomorrow morning, whoop!


Hey guys and gals, just posting to say that I'm still here, so don't fret... Or in the case of a hand full of you don't start partying, jeez, it'll be a while before I die off that easy.

Ha, anyway, for those of you that read my story chapter 6 is coming along now and it's gunna be a big one!
So expect thrills, spills and umm... Oh screw it, I'd make a terrible advertiser.

I don't know if I have ever posted this before, but here is a link to my story:

Feel free to read it and rate it, but for now I have to walk my dogs and then I'll be coming home for an early night in; as I have training tomorrow morning.

Goodnight to you all, Guys and Gals!

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Clean shaven at last...


Well, I'm back so I am and I'd like to apologize for not posting sooner, to cut a long story short I was busy through-out the week and yesterday I was throwing my guts up into a bowl while my best friend sat and did all he could to help out; in the end we watched a movie to help me get my mind of the horrible cramps.

Anyway, as most of you now know it is the first of December; that means swallow your tinsel, shit out joy and don't forget to yell "Jolly" at the top of your fucking lungs. 
Je-e-sus If there is one thing I hate, it's people who start Christmas early; in the case of my family a whole two months early. 

Anyway, for the manly men out there who've been growing moustaches throughout November I am sure you're all glad to know that you now have the liberty to shave off that horrible fluff from beneath your nose.
Ladies, that also means you don't have to look at it...

Anyway, just a quick post to say that my life has been plain, simple and sweet so far.

Goodnight guys and gals!

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill  

Friday, 22 November 2013

Good to be back, huh?


Welcome back guys and gals, day 2 of me having rekindled the fire that is my glorious (and rather self flattering) blog!

Well, I don't have an awful lot to write at this current time and moment, I'm only logging on to tell you that I plan on making this a weekly post kind of thing same as previously.

Anyway, I shall be back again soon to talk to you all!

Goodnight guys and galls, love yah all.

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill 

Thursday, 21 November 2013


Well sweet baby Jesus, who would have known that I'd stumble upon my old blog?

Anyway, I might as well inform you guys and gals that I am making plans to continue this blog; I'll also be continuing with my story on the side line, for all you out there who haven't read it yet have a link -->

So yeah, this is going to be an extremely short post with the simple purpose of telling you all that:
1. I am alive, so to speak... I'm as alive as a vampire can be anyway!
2. I will be restarting this blog (Can I hear a few cheers coming from the crowd?)
3. I have never tried a proper Taco... I wanna eat a taco *-* .

Anyway, goodnight to all of you loyal readers who came back to see this post and can I just say that I love every one of you beautiful individuals.
Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill 

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Whole week with-out posting.


I apologize for my absence over the last seven days, I had not only forgotten about my blog, but I have little to no material to type about! Although I guess I could mention that recently I have gone against my own ethics and have begun to play 'Black Ops 2' and am actually rather talented at it... And I am now aiming for diamond assault rifles! So, wish me luck.

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill. 

Sunday, 3 February 2013



I have returned from a day out in Belfast and I am so, so happy!
I may have had to get out of bed early, I may have had to get showered and I may have had to sit with my legs squashed in a tiny car... My day was officially made when I arrived at the shop known as 'Fresh-Garbage' for the first time in my life and what did I get for my birthday last June? A 'My chemical romance' black parade marching band jacket! I am so happy with it, I have been wearing it all day and I'm really excited to wear it again tomorrow, the day after that and the day after that...

Anyway, I'm done for today guys and gals, good-night!

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Well I am back guys and gals... And guess what, I was out cycling on Sunday and it hurt, a lot.
To put it simply, I am not over-weight but much rather under-weight and the exercise I did on Sunday nearly killed me, quite literally, I was falling all over the place in-fact I fell asleep on the floor of a small shop.

I was woke up a matter of seconds later by Caitlyn kicking me and telling me to "Get up" and stop being a "Lazy sod" after her 'encouraging' words I got up and decided to store my bike away and walk the rest of the journey home... Anyway, that is it for tonight, have a nice evening!

 Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Hey guys and gals....

>Be 14
>Bring shrek 1 & 2 to class
>Tell teacher we must watch shrek
>Teacher makes class vote for which movie to watch
>shrek 2 has majority vote
>Then, Francis pulls out Despicable Me and hands it to teacher
>Everyone in class votes for it and laughs at me
>Teacher throws my shreks back at me and puts Despicable Me in DVD player.
>As the disc loads, I hear loud footsteps from outside. The rumbling shakes the desks and chairs.
>The smell of onions filled the room.
>Suddenly, naked Shrek bursts through the wall and looks at DVD menu of Despicable Me in anger.
> "Ogre m'aye dead bodeh"
>Shrek throws two onionades at the tv and kills the teacher and a deaf girl.
>"Dohble Keel"
>Shrek punches through a kid's chest, pulls out his heart and replaces it with an onionade
>kid explodes.
>"Treeple Kehl"
>Shrek grabs Francis as he tries to escape and bends him over.
>He pulls out Francis' intestines through his butthole and ties an onion to it.
>Shrek then tosses the onion out the window and Francis is dragged out with it.
>Francis falls 8 stories to his death.
>Shrek turns around to rest of the class.
>He quietly whispers, "Thees is the pahrt whehre you run away."
>Entire class jumps out of windows to their death.
>Shrek turns to me.
>He looks me in the eye and smiles.
>"Bet yeh weren't shrekspecting thAt."
>"I-Is it....ogre?" I ask.
>"It's ogre when Aye say it's ogre"
>I fall to my knees at his majesty.
>I was ready to please Shrek.
>He pulled out his massive ogresized eshrekt cock and lodged it in my throat.
>My eyes filled with tears.
>mfw they were happy tears.
>Shrek let out a loud ogre roar as he filled my esophagus with sour cum and onion sauce.
>He pulled his cock out of my mouth but as I wiped away my tears, I noticed he was already gone.
>Shrek is love, shrek is life.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Meet the... Toothless!

Welcome back guys and gals! It's time to meet another good friend of mine and this time we're going to...

 For once this name tag doesn't actually define the character, she actually has all her teeth present, butt it's her nickname on Skype so it will stick until further notice.

Well, I meet this girl early last year (In 2012) And at the time honestly I had no idea who see was... But like most great friends of mine this little ball of humor, hugs and sheer inappropriateness stroke me as someone who would make a great friend!

As always I was right, she was just as 'different' as I was and even hugged me the first time she had met me, which is pretty amazing in my opinion, we were quick in taking a friendly liking for each other and up until now have been good friends (And I hope to keep it that way!) Honestly, she is a little odd-ball and perhaps another friend I would call my sister... Welcome to the family if you read this by the way!

Anyway, that is that, I'm not going to put any pictures of her up because 1.I don't have any; and 2.I don't have permission yet. Until next time, have a good night.

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

They have taken my phone!


Well I am back again guys and gals, and I'm rather annoyed today...
 First thing is first some idiot took my phone and got it confiscated from me, which has reall ruined my day...
Then I find out the DT teacher has been attempting to get access to my phone! Which, by the way, is ILLEGAL.
Grrr... I think I need to go vent some steam guys, I'll be back later this week and I'll hopefully have my phone back by then, and I'm hoping for new content too!

Have a wonderful evening.

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Exams... Done!


Back again guys and gals, this time I am bringing great news!

Earlier today I finished my last dreaded examination of this term, and it feels great being able to live again!

So this is just a short post to tell you all that my exams are done, I never thought I'd be so happy to get back to my laptop and type up a blog... Anyway, 'YUSH!' Exams are done and I'm free again, I hope you all have a great evening guys, I'll be back tomorrow.

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Back again...


Oh dear, I'm back again with yet more bad news... I still don't know what to type this time... I knew this would happen... Oh well I guess I could tell you about hot my day was? Nah, that will bore the life out of you all... How about I actually tell you what i wanted to tell you!

My absolutely amazing girlfriend has leaked a little bit of information to me... But first to put you in concept my last girlfriend, whom I shan't say much about, lost my favorite game of all time "Unreal Tournament 3" this really made me depressed... 

But my depression ended yesterday when Lorna informed me she has ordered me a copy of the game! So "YAY!" I honestly can not over state how happy I am right now, I love her so much... Ya'll need a Lorna in your lives! But anyway, considering I'm getting the game I decided I'd make a review of it.

So how do I put this simply, well, like this "HOLY SHIT!...SHIT...shit...shit..." Yes indeed it is the all famous ''Unreal Engine Announcer" and there is no denying that when this guy tells you whats what, that you all came just a little? I mean every 25 kills he insults the person you just killed, how cool is that! And never mind the announcers voice the game play is hectic one split second decision can decide whether or not your mini-gun is going to kill that Liandri robot in front of you or the Krall behind you is going to rip your heart out with the bio-gun and get sniped by the iron-guard watching your back ... Or if that Necris dark-walker is just going to ruin your whole day... Or you can be like me and push the front with the raptor aircraft's heavy artillery blast!

Guys honestly if you are going to play any unreal tournament game, make it the 3rd! Ohhh! One last thing, do not piss off the ronin, they will just break your face with the Jack-Hammer CQC weapon.

Anyway guys, the plot goes like this...
"In 2307, some years after UTD2003, a Skaarj attack occurs on a colony on unknown planet, releasing armed Kralls on the humans. The colony is defenseless, but a group of Ronins arrives on the scene, defending the survivors. Reaper, the group's leader, advises his second-in-command warrior Othello and his sister Jester to destroy the Skaarj blockade with a fighter, and orders team's sniper expert, Bishop, to provide cover as he swarms to save the colony. Suddenly, he is caught in the explosion of an incoming rocket missile and passes out, but not before seeing an unknown woman shooting a soldier next to him.
Reaper is rescued by Othello and Jester and wakes up in the base of the Izanagi, a guerrilla force that fights against Necris and Liandri, and he meets with the leader, revealed to be Malcolm, who also leads the Iron Guard as the Izanagi's army. He explains that the Skaarj attack was masterminded by Liandri, who also turn some of the Krall, Skaarj aliens, into Necris, controlled undead soldiers. The unknown woman who Reaper saw turns out to be Lina, the Liandri operative who destroyed the colony and also leads the Necris forces. Reaper wants to kill her, but Malcolm tells him that he needs to prove himself first."

And that's that guys and gals, enjoy your night!

 Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Back and terribly sorry!


Well I'm back and I terribly sorry guys and gals, I was a little bit busy and couldn't find the time to write up the next ''meet the...'' Profile which is a big disappointment for me I had told myself I'd get it posted yesterday, but there was two problems, firstly I had no idea who I should do next (However I may be able to post a ''meet the hitman'' later, as an uncle of mine did a cosplay and has gotten into character with the whole agent 47 thing!) Then yesterday when I was about to begin making up a quick post about one of my hobbies , to fill in the gap, I was dragged off to one of my younger cousins birthday parties, so I sat in the corner of the room texting people.

So yeah, sorry! But this was just a really quick post to fill you all in on what has been happening lately.

Have a wonderful evening guys and gals!

 Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Meet the... Pikachu!


Welcome back guys, I'm giving up on attempting to revise for today so I have decided to leave another "Meet the..." style post, and this time it's possibly the best female friend (Except from Lorna obviously!) That I have ever had, she is an absolute nut-job, then again so are the rest of my friends, and she is a little Pikachu (and also 'my little Robyn') and I like to carry her around on my back and say ''where do you want to fly likkle Robyn?'' She then points to a random destination and I carry her there and drop her off.

I love this person as a friend and what not, but I haven't got to see her in a long time. So if you see this Robyn, I'm waiting for a call... But yeah she is an amazing person, she has a really giggly personality and stuff, but I'm not going to blubber on about her, just wanted to introduce you to Robyn.

 Her in a Pikachu hoodie...
 And in her Pikachu onse!

 Anyway that is me for today guys and gals, goodnight!

 Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.

Meet the... gunman?


Welcome back guys and today I had three more exams, and they all went very well, but anyway I'm gong to be telling you about a really good friend of mine...

 Well that says it all, yes this fun loving 14 year old boy is also an amazing shot and could recite the caliber of every rifle ever used in the history of man kind, he could take apart a gun and put it back together and describe every piece of the gun in the process! But don't worry,  you may think it but he is actually a normal guy with an unusual hobby, I meet him when he started going out with a friend of mine (A girl that is.) And honestly I gave this dude everything he needed and he re-payed me by making me a gift for someone, he is a master with his hands (But I'm still much better with my hands! *Wink Wink*) Anyway, this guy is an absolute legend when he isn't down... His name is Adam and I'm proud to say he has been my 'Bro' for over a year now so yeah, Whoop! anyway, back to revision (Once again I mean sleep!) So see you all later!

 Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

A little break from meeting my friends...


Welcome back guys and gals, just decided that I'd pop on and make a quick post about a hobby of mine, so who here likes gaming?

Well I for one do, and the game that is currently my favorite game of all time has to be 'Team Fortress 2.' For those of you with a steam account who have been lucky enough to play this game on the true master platform (By this I mean PC) I'm quite sure you will agree that this game deserves kudos, and lots of them.

There is no other game out there as child friendly, yet immaturely gory, as this game I mean come on lets face it, the characters are all childish cartoons and the death effects are hilariously bloody...
Lets take a look at this game, it has everything!

-The scout: A fast moving 'attack' class who has the main purpose of p*ssing everyone off!
-The soldier: A citizen who made his own military uniform and weapons, yet still has been on more    tours of duty than a legitimate soldier!
-The pyro: Okay the name says it all, a mad man in a fire-roof suit with a flamethrower...
-The demo-man: A one-eyed, black scotch man with a nag for destroying things, a comical drunkard with a big 'BOOM' behind every catch phrase.
-The heavy: This big cuddly looking man is actually a Russian billionaire with a gun bigger than any other class, he has large amounts of health.
-The engineer: This guy is my personal favorite, with the ability to set up teleporters to move friends to the front lines, turrets to hold of even the biggest of enemies and a dispenser for your every battlefield need!
-The medic: I see no reason to explain this one... Although he is a crazy ex-nazi!
-The sniper:An Australian man with an urge to call everything 'piss'. Yes this loveable hitman makes us all laugh when he taunts us... And cry when he blows our heads off with a well placed critical.
-The spy: This sneaky little french rogue agent has a tendency to drop in unannounced and 'sap' all of the engineers stuff thus destroying them, he also likes to stab snipers in the back and kill them...

Well, that is the classes summarized for you! But don't take it from me, download Steam and start playing it, this game is amazing and if you already have steam, feel free to comment your steam name below, or email it to me at ''! Have a great day guys and gals... GAME ON!

 Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.

Meet the... Fellow Nut-job


Well back to meeting my friends, and as I said last time I would introduce you to that one other guy who spends revision time sleeping... Well, prepare to...

 Well that says it all really like me this guy is insane, I mean if you wanted someone to jump from roof top to roof top blindfold this guy would probably give it his best shot Although I'm not too much better!) So who is this masked mad man? Well, his name is Jordan and I've known him since first-year and the way we meet was when i found some kid sitting on top of an oil tanker with no way down; other that jumping into 3feet deep water, well after I eventually 'borrowed' a ladder from the grounds-keeper (I returned it don't worry) I got him down and he re-payed me by being my friend, and up until I meet Lorna one of my only two... It was great, I'll admit you could always find us in detention together but it was for the funniest things and the best thing I think we've ever done is walking out of school to buy ourselves some breakfast at 'subway' in third year... Anyway, now you know how I came to meet him and what not... Sorry to disappoint but there is no photo's of this guy in existence so yeah I guess I'll leave it here guys... Have a good day!

 Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.

Monday, 7 January 2013

A little break from meeting my friends...


Well, I'm back again and I have just finished my first GCSE mock exam... All I can say is "That was too easy." Indeed easy is meant to be a good thing, but this was far too easy. To put you in concept I am a terrible chemist and my first exam was chemistry so the fact that I managed to laugh at how easy I found the exam is very very bad! Anyhow I'm on to tell you how it went and then I'm off for some more glorious revision (A.K.A. Sleep.)

Well firstly I was forced to get out of my nice warm bed at 7:33 which for me is very early, so that put me in a bad mood! But I was glad when I woke up to find a good morning text from Lorna (And i don't think I've mentioned yet, but she nudged me on to make this blog, literally! she kept nudging me!) But anyway that really made me smile, I absolutely adore waking up to those texts. So after she urged me to get out of my bed and go get ready I got up and got showered then dressed only to find I was almost late, so I ran down stairs and got in the car forgetting both breakfast and my lunch-break so I was very hungry, but I forgot about the hunger when I received a good morning hug from Lorna (I adore them too!) And then I went on my way to the exam and noticed everyone ,except for me and one of my good friends who I shall introduce at a later date, was revising me and my friend turned around and said "Aww their revising, how cute." After that comment we walked into our examination and sat down in our different rows, he had to sit far away from me because I was doing a higher tier paper so I felt lonely in my little corner along with all the intellectual people in my school, truly not where I belong! But alas the exam paper was set down in front of me and at this point I was sweating like mad, I knew I hadn't revised and I know nothing about chemistry but when I opened up that paper I began to giggle quietly trying to hold back my outrageous fit of laughter... The first few questions was a gold mine for marks, in fact, there was only three questions I didn't know the answer to!

So yeah the exam went well, then after that I went outside into the area known as the green (I spend most of my time there with friends) and there I remembered my lack of food to eat, well that put me down a notch! Then another friend of mine came to me with a tear in his eye... Poor guy got dumped, but that's not my story to tell! Well anyway, I went to find my friend (The one from earlier) and we went up to the schools library facilities in order to do some studying; However we got a bit bored and decided we would sneak out of school and go back to my house for some 'black ops 2' on the Xbox360... Little did I know he was a professional quick-scooper... well I found out after he beat me 30-26 which I was actually very happy about, my kill usually level off at 36 when I'm playing on PSN, but that's a lower tier of gamers (My K/D ratio is 4 as an average!)After that we went down to my kitchen and grabbed some food then headed back to school to grab some school grub, after that I stayed around and spoke with a few friends of mine before heading back home for study leave, although he had one more exam so he was forced to stay and perform that tedious task.

I then got home and decided I would make another post and tell you all about my day, why don't you make a comment about your day below?

Well, I'm done for know I really must start some serious revision! (Again, I mean sleep!) Have a wonderful evening guys and gals!

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Meeting the 'team' who makes my life what it is!


Well, that says it all doesn't it?

In this short post(and the few that follow) I will be typing to tell you all about the few true friends, and the many family members, that have helped make me and my life what it is now and why not start off with the crown jewel of this list...

Well, as I stated in my first post four months ago I started dating this absolutely amazing person, who has not only saved my life, but has also been there for since my very first year in the Royal School Dungannon, believe or not we are the best of friends and even through gender differences we managed to get on so well with each other, that I decided she had to be the one... Little did i know she had the same thoughts... and here she is, the one and only, Lorna!


Those are just two photo's of her I just so happened to have on my computer, they are also some of my favorites, Naturally her hair is blonde but it isn't that long, she wears wigs quite often and i think she looks amazing in them' However I love getting to see her natural beauty, at the moment her hair is short and fwuffy (It is great fun to ruffle it up on her!) and she always smells amazing and gives me nice warm hugs to make my day bright!

But before I get to mushy on you all and you lose interest, I might as well tell you how we meet in the first place... And this truly is a ''once upon a time...'' type stories.

Well in first year about four years ago now, we sat close to each other in mathematics and she always seemed to be a real whizz kid and I just thought it was amazing, but i knew nothing about her so I wanted to know her better, I wanted to meet the Lorna i now know today... And my method of doing so was to ask her out the relationship only lasted three weeks (This was due to negative support from others!) and we decided we would be friends and try to know each other better... then in second year I asked again and got a yes however in our feeble attempts to hide it from onlookers it lasted a mere 5 weeks; However we both knew that it wouldn't be the last of it, after that we both went our own separate ways and lived our own lives we stayed in contact and became friends again... Then a little friendly ''Poke war'' broke out between us, in which we playfully poked each other. It was because of this we decided to become good friends again and we began to trust each other more and more... Now, after three years of waiting and of course getting to know each other, my time came.

Now I am very happy, and when she read this, Lorna... I love you
Goodnight everyone, I hope to have you back again soon.

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.

Get to know me! YAY!


Well, I've only just made my first post, and already someone has asked me to make another one just because they 'apparently' enjoy reading them. So I've decided to make it a 'get to know me' style post, and for this I've gathered numerous questions people want me to answer so here I go again...

Name: Samuel Bradley Hill


D.O.B.:21st June 1997

Sex:I think I'm a male...

Sexual orientation:I'm Bi-sexual (and extremely proud!)

Hair color:Dirty blonde

Eye color:Grey/Blue/Green... It alters... a lot.

Who would win Benedict Cumberbatch or Robert Downey Jr?: Agent 47?

Who is your celebraty crush?: Vin Diesel

Strawberries or Oranges?: Strawberries!

Favourite song and why?: This is beginning to hurt my head thinking about it... umm... Thunderstruck - ACDC.

What do you smell like?: Apparently a sexy beast... but at the moment, some one who needs a shower!

Who would you love to meet in real life?:Agent 47!

Best thing you've ever done?:I had sex with Robert Downy Jr. in a game three times... That was amazing!

Worst thing you've ever done?:I had sex with Marilyn Monroe in the same game... That was horrible!

Favorite style of clothing?:If it's a suit I can make it sexy, 'nuff said.

Somethings I love:My girlfriend, Agent 47, good music, food, BEWBS! ... Things that smell nice, sleeping, board games and video games.

Somethings I hate:Tedious things, bad music, bad food, things that smell horrible, being woke up and boredom.

Well, this post will stay the way it is unless i get more questions then I shall update it for you all, but for now I really am going to bed, no more this week.

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.

First post! Commence celabratory whoop whoop!


Well, being my very first post I may as well inform anyone unfortunate enough to stumble upon my blog why I am typing this all out... Originally four years ago in 2009 one of the people closest to me, some one I loved and cherished, passed away in a fatal car accident it was a man who I treated as a father, it was my uncle.

 after a stage of denial I told myself that I'd start typing up a blog; however that failed miserably as me being, well, ME decided it would be a good idea to procrastinate and forget my log in details... the first blog was lost. So i made one more and once again I decided to wait it out a while and forgot those log in details also! Well, I am back and this time i have the energy and encouragement to keep on going, so i plan on doing my best to post at LEAST once a week; however I apologize in advance as there is a chance that important things may, or may not, pop up from time to time causing me to fall behind schedule and if that happens I'll catch up as soon as I can.

So some of you may be wondering ''Why the sudden burst of encouragement?'' (And if not I'm telling you anyway, so shush and read on!) Well, four months ago... on the first of October at about half past twelve... I entered my current relationship with the most wonderful person to enter my life (But you have to wait to find out who!) And she encouraged me to take up that promise I made myself and fulfill it so here I am, and here it is, my very first attempt to get my blog started. But for now i am weary and my attention span runs lows... I leave you all now, and i shall return hopefully after my accursed exams which shall span over the next week and a half... during this period I shall try to post some stuff for you, but now i say to you. Goodnight.

Yours truly, Grimstnzborith Hill.